Our services
How can we help you?
Our firm specializes in appraisals of residential, rural & recreational properties for a variety of uses including (But not limited to):
- Mortgage financing
- Estate purposes
- Litigation
- Taxation purposes
- Marketing (sale) purposes
- Separations/ Buyouts (i.e. matrimonial divorce, partnerships, etc.)
- Assessment appeal
- Appraisal reviews/ Confirmations
what is in the report?
Report formats primarily ordered by our clients:
- AIC Full Appraisal (Form Report, Summary + Narrative)
- AIC Drive-By Appraisal (Form Report, Limited Scope)
- Employee Relocation Appraisals
- Desktop Appraisals
- Progress Advance (Draw) Certificates for
- Construction Financing
- Rental Estates
- Appraisals reviews
- Market summaries
- Absorption studies
All reports conform to and may exceed (CUSPAP) Canadian Uniform Standards of Professional Practice requirements mandated by the (AIC) Appraisal Institute of Canada.

Service Area
- Walkerville/Ivey Lake Estates/Owl Ridge
- Poole Creek
- Birken/Gates Lake
- Devine/D’Arcy/Anderson Lake
- Seton Portage
- Furry Creek
- Britannia Beach
- Squamish
- Upper Squamish & Upper Cheakamus River/Paradise Valley
- Pinecrest/Black Tusk Village
- Whistler
- Pemberton
- Mount Currie
- Lillooet Lake